
Researches implemented by "Media-Model" LLC, including projects implemented in cooperation with another companies are listed below by specific areas/fields of activity.
Survey on Lifestyle, Interests and Communications with Banking System
August - November 2023,, Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1580 households in 12 cities of RA
Customer: Ameria CJSC
Household survey on real estate market
May - July 2023, Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1000 households in Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Abovyan, Vagharshapat.
Customer: Ameria CJSC
Qualitative data collection among cafes' customers in Yerevan
April-May 2023; In-depth interviews, Focus group discussions
Customer: Maeutica branding agency
Collection of qualitative data among residents of Yerevan about their impressions and expectations from city polyclinics
February-March 2023; Focus group discussions
Customer: Maeutica branding agency
Household survey on real estate market
December 2021 - March 2022, Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1000 households in Yerevan.
Customer: Ameria CJSC
Survey on Lifestyle, Interests and Communications with Banking System
March - June 2021, Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1500 households in Yerevan.
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
Survey on Marketing Channels
March – June 2021, Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1000 households in Yerevan, Vanadzor, Vagharshapat, Abovyan and Gyumri
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
Household survey on real estate market
March - June 2020; Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1000 households in Yerevan.
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
The technical and content peculiarities of consumption of TV production
March – June 2020; Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1510 households in 21 urban areas of RA.
Customer: Admosphere Armenia CJSC
Butter and cheese market research in Yerevan
November – December 2019; Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1066 households in Yerevan.
Customer: Master ADV
Survey on Marketing Channels
June – August 2019; Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1000 people in 10 cities of RA and the capital-city of Nagorno-Karabakh – Stepanakert.
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
Survey on Lifestyle, Interests and Communications with Banking System
June – August 2019; Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1500 households in 10 cities of RA and the capital-city of Nagorno-Karabakh – Stepanakert.
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
The peculiarities of watching TV channels
September - November 2018; Data collection (F2F interviews) among 3,502 households in 21 urban areas of RA.
Customer: Admosphere Armenia CJSC
Consumer attitudes and perceptions on Bank Services
August 2018 - November 2018; Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1400 households in 11 cities of RA and the capital-city of Nagorno-Karabakh Stepanakert
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
Survey on Lifestyle, Interests and Communications with Banking System
June - July 2017, Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1500 households in10 cities of RA and the capital-city of Nagorno-Karabakh Stepanakert
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
Survey on Usage and Interests of Banking Services
April-May 2016. Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1500 households in 10 cities of RA and the capital-city of Nagorno-Karabakh Stepanakert
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
Survey on Usage of Logo types
March 2015, Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1500 respondents in 10 cities of RA
Customer: "Ameria" CJSC
Survey on Product Awareness Estimation and Service Usage
November –December 2014, Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1500 respondents in RA and the capital-city of Nagorno-Karabakh Stepanakert
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
Survey on preferences of trade markets
February 2014, Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1000 respondents in Yerevan
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
Survey on Lifestyle, Interests and Communications with Banking System
August 2012, June-August 2013, September-October 2014, Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1500 households in 10 cities of RA and the capital-city of Nagorno-Karabakh Stepanakert
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
Evaluation of Potential Consumer Preferences
December 2008; Expert Interviews with leading staff of 25 enterprises of IT sector
Customer: Enterprise Incubator Foundation
Exploring the Opinion of Beneficiaries of "Yerevan Djur" Armenian water supply service,
I stage: August – October 2007; II stage: August – October 2008; Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1500 respondents in Yerevan
Customer: "Yerevan Djur" CJSC
Problems and perspectives for development in the sphere of business and banking in Armenia
August – October 2008; Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1000 respondents in Yerevan
Customer: Ameriabank CJSC
Armenia Protection, Inclusion, and Empowerment
July 2024 - ongoing. Data collection with 2 methods․ 850 interviews (face to face CAPI) in 10 target groups, 50 in-depth interviews in 10 target groups
Customer: Democracy International, Inc. (US)
Anti-Defamation League Global 100 Survey
June - September 2024. Data collection (phone interveiws CATI) - 500 interviews.
Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practices in water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH) and infection prevention and control (IPC) in primary healthcare facilities of Armenia.
April - July 2024․ Data collection (face-to-face CAPI interviews) among 1200 representatives of medical and technical staff of 119 primary healthcare facilities of Armenia
Customer: UNICEF Armenia
Knowledge, attitudes, practices and behavior study on Climate Change and Adolescent Participation in Armenia
February - April 2024. Data collection (face-to-face CAPI interviews) across 33 consolidated communities in 6 regions of Armenia in about 700 households. Conducting 15 focus group discussions with school principals, teachers and adolescents.
Customer: UNICEF Armenia
Data collection and data processing services for post-distribution monitoring of UNICEF-funded voucher programmes
February - May 2024; Data collection (1200 phone interviews) through 3 target groups.
Customer: UNICEF Armenia
Life in Transition (LITS IV), Armena
March 2022 – April 2023; Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1000 households in 10 marzes of Armenia․
Customers: Ipsos Serbia, EBRD, The World Bank
Non tariff regulation research among companies in Armenia
May 2022 - November 2022; Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews, telephone interviews) among 700 companies in Armenia exporting from and to Armenia.
Customers: International Trade Center, Ameria CJSC
Regional Public Opinion Surveys on Cybercrime Reporting and Online Security
September 2021 - December 2021; Data collection (F2F CAPI interviews) among 1200 households and 100 business enterprises in Armenia.
Custmers: The CyberEast project, a joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe, Ameria CJSC
Panel recruitment for real time monitoring in Armenia
May 2021 - July 2021; Recruitment of 1500 respondents for further surveys – presentation of the program and consent achievement.
Customer: UNICEF Armenia
Data collection services for post-distribution monitoring of Unicef supported cash transfer programmes and provided non-food item assistance programs in Armenia
March 2021 - May 2021; Data collection (1000 phone interviews) through 3 target groups.
Customer: UNICEF Armenia
Regional Justice Survey in Armenia
September 2019-May 2020; Data collection among following target groups – judges, prosecutors, lawyers and court administrative staff, as well as population and businesses. In total, approximately 3000 interviews (F2F CAPI).
Customer: World Bank, Ipsos Serbia
Comparing different demand-side incentives for health screenings in Armenia
March 2019-March 2020; Implementation of experiment (in 16 communities of 4 regions in RA) among people aged 35-68 (sample size: 1600), who have not been screened for diabetes and hypertension in the last 12 months; provision of invitations to them; monitoring of data and reporting.
Customer: World Bank
Regional Justice Survey in Armenia: Pilot Study
March 2019-June 2019; Implementation of pilot study of a research project conducted in 10 countries (testing of questionnaires and reporting). F2F CAPI interviews, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews among following target groups – population, businesses, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and court administrative staff.
Customer: World Bank, Ipsos Serbia
Conduct youth-focused and gender-sensitive labour market research in Armenia
June 2018 - January 2019; Quantitative survey among youth aged 18-30 in the urban and rural residence areas in Armenia (with sampling of 850 respondents), in-depth interviews with enterprises acting in the spheres of IT and Tourism (with sampling of 46 enterprises), 10 focus group discussions with recent graduates of higher education institutions and TVETs in the spheres of IT and Tourism, data processing and analysis.
Customer: Save the Children
Quantitative data collection (Field Work Phase) for World Vision International Armenia Strategic Evaluation Program
March 2018 – May 2018
Data collection in 5 marzes of Armenia: Tavush, Aragatsotn, Lori, Shirak and Yerevan through standardized F2F interviews and semi-structured questionnaire F2F interviews with total of 9033 target population via tools and questionnaires elaborated and provided by the client prior to the fieldwork.
Customer: World Vision International Armenia
Survey on Well-being and Security of Women in South East Europe, Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus in Armenia
February 2017 - December 2017
Stage 1. Desk Research and 5 key expert interviews, preparation of Country profile (Stage 2. terminated).
Customer: Ipsos Mori UK, OSCE
Ex Post Qualitative Assessment of the Lifeline Road Improvement Project within Impact of Roads on Poverty and Access (Connecting Transport to Social Inclusion)
February 2017 - July 2017, Total of 30 FGD with beneficiary population and 30 Key informant interviews with representatives of other direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project in 10 project communities and 5 compactor communities in 5 marzes of RA. Analysis and reporting presented to the client.
Customer: The World Bank
Assessment on Access of Children to Preschool Education Services in Armenia,
November 2016 - January 2017, Total of 600 F2F standardized interviews with members of households with children of age 3-6 years in 10 regions of RA and Yerevan with multistage stratified randomized sample, 20 expert semi-structured interviews, 9 Focus Group Discussions in Yerevan and marzes of Vayots Dzor and Tavush with selected target groups. Analysis and reporting presented to the client.
Customer: Save the Children
FGD Study with Farmers Using Irrigation Water, Armenia PSIA of Irrigation Subsidies
June 2015 - September 2015, total of 24 FGDs were implemented with 210 farmers in 6 regions of RA, where irrigation water use is most predominant
Customer: The World Bank
Risks of Violence Against Teenagers in RA
March-August 2014, Data collection (F2F interviews) among 800 teenagers (14-18 years old) in 3 regions of Armenia on violence and cyber-crime issues, 5 focus-group discussions with teachers and school professional staff
Customer: Hope and Help, Non-Governmental Organization with funding from Estonian Government
Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey V (BEEPS V)
June 2012 – June 2013, Data collection (F2F interviews) with administrative staff and directors of 360 business enterprises across RA
Customers: IPSOS-Mori UK, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank
Life in Transition Survey II,
2010, Data collection (F2F intervies) among 1500 households in Armenia
Customers: IPSOS-Mori UK, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank
Enterprise Adoption Survey
October 2010-May 2011, Data Collection (F2F interviews) with administrative staff of 300 agricultural enterprises and farming groups across targeted regions of RA
Customer: Millennium Challenge Association – Armenia
Farming Practices Panel Survey
Impact Evaluation 2008-2011, Baseline Survey plus Two Rounds, panel household F2F survey covering 5,000 rural households in Control and Treatment groups in 10 regions of Armenia on higher agricultural production, farming practices and water use and irrigation practices, interviews with village mayors in targeted communities across country were conducted. Average response rates for the Rounds 80%
Customers: Millennium Challenge Association – Armenia, Mathematica Policy Research, the USA
Tertiary Canals Survey:
mpact evaluation, 2009-2014, Baseline Survey plus Two Rounds, panel household F2F survey covering 3,000 rural households in Control and Treatment groups in 9 regions of Armenia on water use and irrigation practices, interviews with village mayors in targeted communities across country were conducted. Average response rates for the Rounds 80%
Customers: Millennium Challenge Association – Armenia, Mathematica Policy Research, the USA
The Political Elite of Post-Independence Armenia: characteristics and patterns of formation
September 2011- September 2013, F2F interviewing with 691 representatives of 7 recruitment areas of potential elites (of which 500 in Armenia and 191 in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic), in-depth interviews with political leaders in Armenia and biographical data review. The results and findings were presented in a publication, which can be found here:
Customers: Academic Swiss Caucasus Net (ASCN), and the University of Fribourg
Labor force market in Armenia
December 2006 - May 2007, Qualitative survey across Armenia, expert survey
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC
Customer: the World Bank
The issue of tolerance in the perceptions of the youth
November 2006 - February2007; Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1000 youth respondents
Customer: UNDP
Survey on the Status of Social Investments Made by Middle and Large Sized Businesses
March – June 2006; In-depth interviews and expert Interviews; Focus group discussions
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC
Customer: The Eurasia Foundation
Analysis of the Status of Printed Media in Regions of Armenia
May-June 2005; Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1000 respondents in RA, 60 Expert interviews.
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC
Customer: the Eurasia Foundation
Legal Awareness Survey of the Drivers in RA
March-June 2005; Expert interviews
Customers: "Eurasia Foundation", "Cooperation in South Caucasus" Program "Centre for Drivers" Rights Protection "Achilles" NGO
Survey of Consumer Preferences for Designing Informational Campaign
April- November 2004, Data collection (F2F interviews); comparative analysis; elaboration of the monitoring methodology
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC
Customer: The World Bank
Awareness Survey of Drivers Moving from Armenia to Georgia
March-September 2004; Expert interviews and key-informant interviews by means of standardized questionnaires
Customers: Eurasia Foundation Program Synergy in the Southern Caucasus; "Centre of protection of rights of drivers "Achilles" NGO
Survey of Armenian High-Tech Sectors
April –November 2004; Expert interviews, F2F standartized interviews with leading staff of of IT companies
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC
Customers: the World Bank, Enterprise Incubator Foundation
Target Group Mapping
January - March 2004; Data collection (F2F interviews); Focus groups and group interviews; In-depth interviews; Expert interviews; Involved observations; Experiments; Elaboration and analysis of data bases; Secondary sociological analyses
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC
Customer: British Council
The Survey on Perspectives of Optimization of Agricultural Products-Rotation and Exchange in South Caucasus
June 2002-March 2003; Data collection (F2F interviews) - Store Checks; Expert interviews
Customer: Program Synergy in the Southern Caucasus Eurasia foundation; Partners: IPM (Georgia) and AIRA (Azerbaijan)
The networks of newspaper distribution in Armenia
April 2002; Data collection (F2F interviews) , expert interviews by standardized questionnaire with the participation mass-media in print and the leaders of the publishing-houses, document analysis, among which analysis of primary and secondary information; judicial analysis of documents with aim of gathering related juridical and economic information
Customer: Eurasia Foundation Mass-media support program
Youth Political Culture and Civic Participation in Armenia
February-October 2001; Data collection (F2F interviews). Content analysis of mass-media. The research was carried out in three countries: Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan
Customers: Eurasia Foundation Program Synergy in the Southern Caucasus; Partners: "Takhsil company" (Azerbaijan), International Center of Civic Culture (Georgia)
Problems of Integration of Young Refugees in Armenia
July-September 2001; Data collection (F2F interviews), focus-group interviews aimed at verification of information obtained via the mass-poll
Customer: UNHCR office in Armenia
Social Protection Administration II Project (SPAP II) - Survey of beneficiaries of the Unified Social Service of Armenia
May - October 2023, Data collection among 1200 beneficaries (F2F CAPI interviews) of Unified Social Service in Yerevan and 4 marzes of RA.
JCarried out with Civitta CJSC
Customer - Ministry of Labour and Social Issues of the Republic of Armenia
Survey of 1000 large taxpayers of RA
November 2009 – April 2010; Data collection (F2F interviews)
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC
Customer: Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
Evaluation of potential of the engineering labor force of RA
January-March 2008; Data collection (F2F interviews) with the head staff of 120 enterprises
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC
Customer: The program "Competitive private sector"
Army: view from the society
December 2009 – March 2010; Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1000 respondents based on division of informational distribution areas
Customer: The Ministry of Defense of RA
Discovering issues of Armenian railway modernization
November 2007; Data collection
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC;
Costumers: The World Bank, Ministry of Transport and Communication of RA, Railway modernization PRO of RA
Survey of Public Awareness on Judicial Reforms
December 2005 - February 2006; Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1500 respondents of Armenia, Expert interviews; Focus Group Interviews conducted in Yerevan and marzes of RA
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC
Customer: The World Bank, The Government of RA
Exploring the Needs and Awareness of Beneficiaries of the Civil Service System of the RA
October 2005 - March 2006; Data collection (F2F interviews); content analysis of Mass Media; Testing
Customers: The World Bank and The Government of RA, Customer: Civil Service Council of the RA
Survey of Public Opinion and Focus Groups with Relevant Stakeholders for Identification of Problems to be emphasized in Public Awareness Campaign
April - November 2004, Data collection (F2F interviews)
Carried out with "Ameria" CJSC;
Customers: The World Bank, Thermo Supply PIU
Political Rating Surveys
RA Presidential elections in 2008; Data collection (F2F interviews) among 2000 respondets of Armenia
Political Rating Surveys
RA National Assembly elections in 2007; Data collection (F2F interviews) among 1500 respondets of Armenia
Rating researches
March 2001- March 2003 (14 sociological surveys)
Data collection (F2F interviews); expert interviews; the methodology of rating calculation has been developed by the research group of our company using the experience of Western and Russian research centers