Our Story

"Media-Model" LLC was founded in 2001. It’s already more than 22 years that “Media-Model” is involved in delivering high-quality consultancy and research-analytical services not only to state, political and private institutions, but also to public, local and international organizations. More than 30 young specialists – sociologists, social workers, economists, statisticians, political scientists and lawyers are involved in “Media-Model” research and analytical group, of whom 5 are candidates of sciences/Ph.Ds, are lecturers at Yerevan State University and other well-known higher educational institutions.
Using both qualitative and quantitative methods and mixed methodologies, the research team is implementing participatory, evaluation, monitoring, investigative, marketing and other public opinion-based studies. A multi-level data quality control model is utilized. The analytical reports are prepared with involvement of experts and professional specialists in the field of study, as well as partnership collaboration tips are being used, hence we are creating both academic and policy/action-oriented findings and practical solutions.
Starting from 2012 Media-Model has launched services in resettlement, land and assets acquisition and other related spheres. During last several years the team comprised of social development specialists and lawyers has been providing successful and highly estimated services in the framework of different components of North-South Road Corridor (NSRC) Investment Program and Yerevan Development Investment Program. Resettlement and Acquisition Projects implemented by Media-Model are unique for Armenia in the sense of scale and scope of work.
We really hope that you will find answers to your questions on this web-site, particularly information on professional services offered by us, about researches conducted and projects implemented by our team. In case of additional questions or proposals, please, contact us.